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Review: These Healing Hills by Ann H. Gabhart

About The Book:

Francine Howard has her life all mapped out until the soldier she planned to marry at WWII's end writes to tell her he's in love with a woman in England. Devastated, Francine seeks a fresh start in the Appalachian Mountains, training to be a nurse midwife for the Frontier Nursing Service.

Deeply affected by the horrors he witnessed at war, Ben Locke has never thought further ahead than making it home to Kentucky. His future shrouded in as much mist as his beloved mountains, he's at a loss when it comes to envisioning what's next for his life. When Francine's and Ben's paths intersect, it's immediately clear that they are from different worlds and value different things. But love has a way of healing old wounds . . . and revealing tantalizing new possibilities.

My Thoughts:

Loved it! Okay lets start with the story line. I kept thinking Francine's story was a lot like the Christy series. Moving up into the mountains, striving to be useful, to make a difference. I loved following her story as she adapted to life in the mountains, and even thrived. She listened to those around her, took advise, and frankly was just what the mountain people needed. And then there was Ben Locke. Hurting after the war, a bit lost in where his life should go. They were perfect for each other!

The descriptions of the mountain life were so well put, the characters real enough to make you feel like you were up in those Appalachian Mountains with them!

It was a cute read that had enough action with her nursing duties to keep you entertained and hooked from cover to cover.

My Favorite Quote From This Book:

No one comes here by accident. . . You might be confused on how to get to some place, but with the good Lord beside you, you're never lost. He'll hold a light to your path, just like the Bible says.

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