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Review: His Steadfast Love by Golden Keyes Parsons

About The Book:

It's the spring of 1861 on the Gulf Coast of Texas. Although Amanda Belle never thought she would marry, her attraction to Captain Kent Littlefield is undeniable.

When Texas secedes from the Union, her brother Daniel marches off to war to fight for the Confederate States and Kent remains with the Union troops.

Her heart is torn between the two men she loves and the two sides of the conflict. When she turns to God for help, Amanda expects direction and support, but hears nothing. Is God listening to her anymore? Does He not care about the atrocities of war-and whose side is He on?

The war is dragging on for much longer than expected, and Amanda struggles between the opposing philosophies of slavery. But after the death of her pastor father, she learns some hard truths about love, the human condition, and God's role in her life.

Amanda must trust God to bring her family through the chaos that threatens her home, her family, and the beloved state of Texas.

My Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this story! Though it wasn't action packed, it had enough going on that kept you interested. The way it was written was different, and I loved it. It just 'felt' old. You know? The writing style really drew you back into 1861. I liked the gentle romance between Kent and Amanda, the letters, how they kept in touch through the years. It was sweet.

Now the second half of the story is where the action hits. I loved Amanda's courage to stand for what she believed, to help hold her family together, and to help Kent. Her part just felt very... real. Relatable. It wasn't some tall tale of a woman fighting against the enemy and doing great things that we could only dream of, but of a woman doing her part, no matter how small to witness to those around her. To speak to others.

Going down the emotional journey with Amanda as she saw her family fight for one side, and the man she loved for another was heart breaking and at the same time, inspiring.

I highly recommend this book!

My Favorite Quote From This Book:

"We cannot live day to day saying what if. That's not living a life of faith. We must live our days saying Yes, Lord, and trust Him with our lives. "

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